The 2018 guidelines reflect the 2.1 percent price increase between calendar years 2016 and 2017. After this inflation adjustment, the guidelines are rounded and adjusted to standardize the differences between family and household sizes. Included with this informational bulletin is the 2018 Dual Eligible Standards chart that displays the new standards for the Medicare Savings Program categories.
Posts related to Medicaid, known as Medi-Cal in California, changes to eligibility, enrollment from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Single Payer One Step Closer With Medicaid Work Requirements
I find it amusing that the strategy to kill off government funded and managed health insurance for people may be the very illustration and demonstration of how single payer can work. The added benefit is a nod to the fact that, if included, volunteer work or family care work is treated as equally valuable as a wage earning job for eligibility for Medicaid. This is an acknowledgement that people volunteering in our communities plays an important role in the maintenance of the community fabric.
Separate But Equal Health Insurance, Is It Right?
Access to health care services is not equal in the United States. Your health plan determines the type of care you receive. The health plans in the employer, individual, and Medicaid markets are separate and they are not equal. The ACA moved us in direction of more equality for all residents regardless of the market type of the health plan. Current Republican proposals under President Trump will widen the gap in disparity between group plans and individual plans. We need to move in a direction the guarantees access to the same level of health care services regardless of whether you work for government, a large employer, have your own individual plan, or are awarded Medicaid because of your income. It is time to dismantle the flawed ‘separate but equal’ assumption of health insurance in the United States.
Aetna chooses welfare over work
The big headline in August was that Aetna would not be expanding their Obamacare individual and family plans in 2017. The smaller headline from a week earlier was that Aetna was seeking approval to become a Medi-Cal manage care health insurance provider in California. Just like other health insurance companies have found, welfare pays better than work when it comes to health insurance.
Accessing benefits under dual eligible special needs plans
Anthem Blue Cross of California Medicare Advantage dual eligibility with Medi-Cal Special Needs Plans May 30, 2015 This guidance is generally applicable for all health insurance companies that offer Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans for dual eligible beneficiaries. Dual Eligibles (Duals) are individuals who are entitled to benefits from both the federal Medicare and state-run […]
Medi-Cal adult dental is back
As of May 1, 2014, limited dental services will be included for adults, 21 years and older, that are on Medi-Cal. Adult dental Medi-Cal services were removed during the California budget crisis in 2009. Some counties may require adults to enroll in a dental manage care plan while others will offer a Fee-For-Service program. The Denti-Cal adult services will be the same whether they are obtained through a plan or through a Denti-Cal participating dentist or clinic. The challenge for adults in rural counties will be finding a dentist that accepts Denti-Cal.
How income and household changes might affect ACA health plans
Individuals and families who have enrolled in health plans through, or a state exchange like Covered California face new challenges as they report income and household changes. Families reporting changes to household size and income may also be triggering changes to their health plan. These changes may result in the entire family becoming eligible for Medicaid, being shifted into a different Enhanced Silver plan or losing the Advance Premium Tax Credit all together.
ACA is splitting families apart
The Affordable Care Act is failing families on two major issues that need immediate resolution. The employer sponsored health insurance regulation has left many spouses without affordable coverage and household income limits are placing children in Medicaid programs. Together, these two ACA regulations are unfairly fracturing the health insurance coverage for many families and need immediate changes.
MediCal Nursing Home Residents May Get Kicked Out of Bed
California in 2010 had 101,854 nursing facility residents, 68% on Medi-Cal, in 1,229 facilities. Cuts could force many to move.
Aetna finds profit opportunity under ACA Medicaid
Significant in Aetna’s press about their purchase of Coventry is their statement, “Coventry will increase our presence in Government business.” Medicaid will mean big dollars to insurance companies under the ACA.