I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t read it with my own eyes. Fox News deliberately ran a headline that contradicted the facts of the story. How do I know it was deliberate misinformation? The correct information was contained in the first paragraph of the story. California bill would let illegal immigrants serve on […]
Health Care Insurane Coverage
Posts related to coverage, prescription medications, benefits and providers under health insurance plans.
Mo Mohanna speaks of Faith in Action in Sacramento
Mo has a dream that Sacramento will develop a model of tackling chronic homelessness that will sweep across the nation.
UC Davis Picnic Day 2013
While there were fewer fun distractions, the exhibits of the different departments seemed better organized, more hands-on and information packed.
Anthem Blue Cross roots of healthcare cost increases
The larger point of Anthem’s discussion is that rising health care costs have several roots. There is no one culprit that is driving costs.
Washington rewards private Medicare Advantage, cuts Medicare cancer treatment
The contradictory nature of Washington lawmakers was on full display this past week as they lobbied the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) not to cut reimbursements to privately run Medicare Advantage plans while allowing the budget sequester to curtail funding for Medicare cancer patients.
Women are too dumb to make life decisions
With Gov. Dalrymple signing one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation, he has effectively declared that women are too dumb to make decisions concerning life and their bodies. Pro-life legislators in North Dakota, Kansas and other states firmly believe that the state must protect a woman from herself. Single moms are moochers […]
Is #UniteBlue trying to Unite Red?
This family quarrel is taking place in the twitter sphere over whether #UniteBlue is defender and connector of progressive tweeters or a conservative Trojan horse being pushed into the twitter family room.
Justice Scalia wants to save children from homosexuals
Justice Scalia could see that Mr. Cooper’s arguments in support of California’s Proposition 8 constitutional amendment, defining marriage as solely between one man and one woman, was sinking. Short of stepping down from the bench to argue against same-sex marriage, Justice Scalia tossed a softball hypothesis of the danger to children raised by homosexual parents. […]
Brubeck Festival highlights Jazz in Stockton
With the passing of Dave Brubeck and my son’s blossoming interest in jazz saxophone, we made the short drive to Stockton to take in the free Saturday Jazz on the Green and then catch the last show of the Brubeck Festival featuring the Brubeck Brothers.
Will Obamacare become a paperwork nightmare?
Will the new healthcare reform insurance application (aka Obamacare) become a bureaucratic paperwork nightmare?