The conspiracy theories that the Bureau of Reclamation is keeping the lake low is based on an incomplete analysis of water discharges for power generation. At first glance, the discharge numbers – water being released from Folsom Lake – is greater than the inflow. The erroneous conclusion is that discharge is to keep the lake low. The reality is that there are numerous reasons why the Bureau of Reclamation is releasing water for power generation greater than the inflows.
Kevin Knauss
Posts by Kevin Knauss not related to health insurance or other categories, usually editorials, travel essays, food, pictures and maps.
FDA Warning on Shingrix Shingles Vaccine Mirrors My Experience
May 15, 2019: Tuesday night, Wednesday morning experiencing horrible pain in left shoulder, the worst in days, could not sleep. Left arm shoulder very weak in terms of raising it above my chest, usually need the right hand to help it. Turning my neck does not increase the pain. Moving my arm in different positions is what really hurts. Just resting at night, the shoulder throbs and I get some sharp pains when I try to move it into another position. Sitting upright seems to help the most. Spent hours sleeping in a chair for relief.
1871 California Counties Map
In 1871 California had fifty different counties. These counties were outlined in water color on an 1871 County Map of the State of California. Counties yet to be created were Glenn, Imperial, Kings, Madera, Modoc, Orange, Riverside, San Benito, and Ventura. The 1871 map also has an inset of San Francisco that also has water-colored […]
1850 Sacramento River and Delta Chart Map of Water Depths
By 1849, because of the Gold Rush, Sacramento had become a magnet for immigrants seeking their fortune in the gold fields. The Sacramento River was the primary conduit for passage from San Francisco. The importance of the river corridor prompted an 1850 hydrographic expedition to map the Sacramento River and associated sloughs, along with the […]
“The Chinese Must Go” Sacramento Attempts To Evict Chinese Residents In 1886
Section 1. It is hereby made the duty of each and every Chinese within the limits of the city of Sacramento, and they are hereby, each and every one, directed to remove without the limits of the city of Sacramento on or before the 1st day of March, 1886.
When Your Historical Subject Is a Racist
Amos was also a racist. He supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act and California’s version of the fugitive slave act while as a State Senator and Assemblyman. Later in the 1870s he denounced Chinese immigration as the greatest evil to California. He saw no reason to extend suffrage to black men or women.
Folsom Lake Vandals aka Mountain Bikers
It is not uncommon to see ten or twenty mountain bike riders in a pack on the trails. Some are courteous to hikers, others just blow by you without a ring of a bell or a word of warning. For these people, hikers and horses are the invaders to their race track. They need to train for the next race. They need to go fast. They need a thrill of careening down a steep hill, regardless of who is at the bottom. The mountain bikers cutting new unauthorized trails down Mooney Ridge or digging a race course north of the lake are common vandals.
Anxiety Over the Covid-19 Vaccine
In 2019 I decided to get the shingles vaccine. I figured that since I had never had a reaction to the flu vaccine, nothing would happen other than a hoped for suppression of another bout with shingles. Two weeks after the first vaccine injection I had a raging sinus headache for days. My doctor said it was allergies and prescribed Flonase. Then my shoulders started to get weak. Within a couple days my whole body was itching, head to toe.
Kevin Learns He Has A Half-Brother
Perhaps the oddest bit of information from J was that the son she gave birth to was also named Kevin. This gentleman was born in 1955. I was born in 1963 when my father was on his third(?) marriage. Was I named for the son my father had abandon in hopes of recreating some alternative reality with a happy ending? Again, this would not have been out of the realm of possibility for my magical thinking father.
Researching And Writing During The Covid Shutdown
The San Francisco Library was also very gracious in scanning a letter to Catlin from A. T. Arrowsmith from 1853 that they had in their archive. Some of the material I was able to glean through email requests have become blog posts on my website. Other material either confirms certain aspects of Catlin’s life or supports my overall timeline.